Shorts: Get to Know the Meerkats!
Neil Freese Neil Freese

Shorts: Get to Know the Meerkats!

Kick off your socks and crack open a cold one, it’s time to get cozy and listen to the Meerkats grill each other with hard-hitting questions like, “What Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are you?” and “Would you rather fight Karl Marx or Milton Friedman?” That’s right, we’ve got a half-serious half-silly Q-and-A comin’ atcha.

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I Put a Spell on You
Neil Freese Neil Freese

I Put a Spell on You

Here’s to our sweet…listeners. In the late 1960s and 1970s, theatricality in rock music reigned supreme, musicians dabbled in demonism, and the squares freaked the [meow] out. Join us as we explore the origins of Goth Rock, how rock acts embraced occult aesthetics, and how subliminal and explicit messages steered fans to the dark arts. Put on your freaky make-up, play the devil’s chord, and kick back as the Meerkats put a spell on you.

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Wern’s World! Excellent! Party Time!
Neil Freese Neil Freese

Wern’s World! Excellent! Party Time!

Look into the eyes of a chicken and contemplate it’s incredible, savage stupidity. Look at the chicken through the eyes of Werner Herzog and discover how artistic observation can create poetry from that stupidity. If civilization is only a thin veil over a yawning chaotic ocean, and that ocean defined by the monsters lurking in the dark, where would we be without art? Pull your own riverboat over a mountain and join us as we explore the life and films of Werner Herzog, a man who said he would travel to hell to rescue a film from the devil.

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Release the Sexy Dolphins
David Garrison David Garrison

Release the Sexy Dolphins

Batten down the hatches and awaken your inner Eldritch god, it’s time to talk sea monsters. The Meerkats discuss human-mermaid sexual relations, the eponymous Moby Richard, and are joined by Abigail for a top ten list. What are Cthulhu’s pronouns? Was Walt Disney planning a second Cuban invasion with his mermaid army? What is the worst type of animal infested rain? (spoiler: it’s spiders.) Release your inner kraken and join us on Planet of the Meerkats.

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Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems
Neil Freese Neil Freese

Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems

Holster your pick-axe and dust off your prospecting pan, this week we’re going gonzo for gold! It might not be the most valuable or the most useful element, but gold’s got swagger, a certain je ne c’est quoi, a flair for the dramatic. From the 49ers to the Ft. Knox conspiracy theorists, from gold-plated sushi to Trump’s golden toilet, this soft and shiny metal knows exactly how to push our buttons. Drop the needle on your golden oldies, put on your gold chains, and sidle up to the golden bar for another episode with the Meerkats as we drive Master P’s golden tank straight into your EarPods.

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Shorts: Pigskin Potpourri
Neil Freese Neil Freese

Shorts: Pigskin Potpourri

The Super Bowl is nothing if not a mirror reflecting the shallow decadence of the American soul, a crumpled can of Monster Energy tossed to the shoulder of our lonely highway of shattered national pride. For a few sacred hours each year we set aside our political differences in shared love for puppies, shared hatred for Tom Brady, and an unceasing appetite for wings, be they chicken or other. But we’re really only here to talk about cereal, pirates, the Beastie Boys, and Nic Cage. Pour one out for your homies, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em, and join us on the Mothership.

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From Lizard People to Lestat
Neil Freese Neil Freese

From Lizard People to Lestat

The idea of the lost civilization has always held an intoxicating sway over the human mind, driving some to fantastical speculation and others to doomed exploration. The Meerkats delve into some of the most persistent myths, from Atlantis to Lemuria to hollow earth theory, with a detour into Bohemian Grove. Pull out your Mayan calendars and get ready to party like its December 21, 2012!

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Shorts: The GameStop Stock Saga
Neil Freese Neil Freese

Shorts: The GameStop Stock Saga

The Meerkats welcome Neil’s brother to the pod to talk about the evolving GameStop stock saga and try to learn why this story is so captivating. It turns out that sticking it to a bunch of Wall Street jerks is one way to unite the country.

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To All the Sandwiches I’ve Loved
Neil Freese Neil Freese

To All the Sandwiches I’ve Loved

Let’s raise a toast to toasted bread and all the humble sauces and slices that make sandwiches the ideal food. Join the Meerkats this week as they recount a fantastic voyage to Philly, discuss which Boyz II Men songs pair best with a cheesesteak, and estimate how many millions of calories they’ve consumed eating In-N-Out burgers over the years. The duo try their best to define what qualifies as a sandwich, and Dave rates his favorite sandwich abominations.

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Stuck in the Middle (Ages) With You
Neil Freese Neil Freese

Stuck in the Middle (Ages) With You

Throw on your cloak, grab a turkey leg for a snack, and hop on your trusty unicorn steed! The Meerkats are galloping back to the Middle Ages this week and along the way they’ll discuss monk fashion, Teslas, narwhals, tree climbing injuries, and eating tacos with David Bowie.

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