Toys: From Childhood to Adulthood


Player’s Ball

Remember when you could buy a squirt gun that looked like a Kalashnikov? When parents would set their kids free and expect them to take care of their sh*t until dinner time? When 8 year-olds were free to watch hyperviolent dramatic meditations on the Vietnam war and then play with the corresponding heavily-armed action figure? From GI Joes to Slinkys, from baseball cards to invisible dogs, toys play an outsized role in our society. They’ve gone from being kids’ playthings to collectibles, and are now as much for adults as they are for kids. Go fishing with Spider-Man, stage a Playmobil robbery, and join the Meerkats as they reminisce about good toys, bad toys, dangerous toys, and more.

Our theme song is by Tawny Frogmouth.

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